NF 0.335 | NFUNF 0.241 |


¹ NI-43-101 Technical Report PENDING

² Moran, C 2012:Second year assessment report on prospecting and geochemical, geophysical and trenching exploration for license 17333M on claims in the St Lewis Inlet area, southeastern Labrador. Search Minerals and Alterra Resources Incorporated. Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 13A/08/0087, 2012, 799 pages.NTS:13A

³ Susan Alexander, s.,  Mac Gillivray G,. Dimmell P,. Silver Spruce Resources Inc. 2008 assessment Report, Straits Property. NL Geoscience reference LAB1505

⁴ Search Minerals website,  -July 18, 2022

⁵ Spiering, Eugene D., 1983, Geologic Report on the 1983 Mapping Program of the Kaycee Uranium Project: Private Company Report, 79p., 27 pl.

⁶ Fruchey, R., A., 1982, Kaycee Geologic Report for Washtenaw Energy Corporation and Midwest Energy Resources Co.  Internal report.

⁷ Underhill, Douglas H. and Roscoe, William E., 2009, Technical Report on the Bootheel Uranium Property, Shirley Basin Mining District, Albany County, Wyoming by Scott Wilson Roscoe Postle Associates Inc. : Crosshair Exploration & Mining Corp. and UR Energy Inc., 127 p.